Suspensionbridge Bohol
Our Story

‘You’re Living The Dream’ is what we hear so often. Yes we are! BUT it’s a dream that took us 17 years to realize. It wasn’t an accident! It was by design! Let me tell you how we did it…

We have been happily married for 19 years. During this time it has always been our dream and goal to spend every day together working, living, traveling and enjoying life’s adventures.

Life had other ideas and while our goals never changed it took us many years to achieve this goal, during which time we have owned many businesses, worked in many jobs and experienced many things.

During one of our business ventures our business partner embezzled a large amount of money leaving us with a ton of Debt, so much so that we became homeless. Overnight we lost everything we worked so hard for. We ended up in a caravan in a friends backyard in the middle of winter where we had to turn on the gas burners just to get a little bit of warmth while we jumped into bed.

Life couldn’t have been more different than what we imagined it at the beginning of our marriage.

But we are not quitters so we began rebuilding our lives with our goal of being together firmly in our minds. Livia got a corporate job, Dale started another another business and life carried on, all the while paying back our huge debt. Years on, it seemed like we were no closer to our goal than at the beginning.

Until we said enough is enough! We sold a very successful company that was very time intensive and started an online e-commerce business. As soon as this business stared earning us a steady income we packed up our belongings, Quit our day jobs and moved to the Gold Coast in Australia where we always wanted to live. We put our stuff in storage and jumped on a 2 week Cruise to Shanghai China, followed by another 2 weeks traveling around Asia.

It was during this trip that we started talking and discussing the possibility of living in a foreign country. We figured that there was nothing holding us back, we didn’t have jobs to go back to, our online business was sustaining us and we could work anywhere there was internet, we didn’t have a house, our stuff is sitting in storage, what have we got to lose? So as soon as we got back to Australia we booked a ticket and headed off to the Philippines to begin our adventure. That was over 2 years ago and we still have not tired of living abroad.

We are currently living in Thailand and exploring Asia at a very leisurely pace, savoring each new destination and experience.

For us life is about accumulating memories and experiences, not just possessions. In fact we have gone back to Australia and cleared out our storage unit, selling all our belongings and simplifying our life. We now live out of just a few bags, owning nothing substantial and we couldn’t be happier! We have learnt the true meaning of the Quote ” If you keep Buying Stuff you end up with Stuff All!” Instead of buying stuff we now buy experiences and these stay with you forever.

Our goal through this site is to share our travels with you, inspire and help you to be able to do the same as us. Realize that there is more to life than just a stressful 9-5 job and a mortgage and that it’s not as difficult or scary to break away from it all as most people think. The Freedom that comes from being your own boss, setting your own time schedules, your travel plans and your ability to chill and enjoy your life is Priceless!

What do you dream about for your travels? Is it an action packed adventure or a leisurely stay in a 5 star resort? Travel is very much a personal mission as we all want different things from it. However there is one thing that is common to all, its and escape from the routine, boring, mindless, everyday grind. It’s an opportunity to take control of our lives, to experience new and exotic adventures and discover things about ourselves and others that we encounter in our journeys. It is the opposite of being stuck.

It is the Time Freedom to think, to explore, to find you inner peace and happiness.
So STOP just dreaming of living on a tropical island, by the sea, under coconut trees, or anything else that you fancy, if that’s what you want you can do it!

How Can We Help You?
We recognize that life and travel is not a ‘one size fits all’. Some people’s dream is to have a steady job, pay all the bills on time and watch sports on the weekend. There is nothing wrong with that! BUT if your dream is a little different to that vision, and you feel like you are stuck in someone else’s dream than we are here to help you break out from that.

Sometimes all it takes is the awareness of the possibility! We have helped many of our friends who never thought they could do it. But we, along with many others have proven that you don’t have to be a millionaire, a trust-fund baby, have special connections or abilities or even have well connected relatives or friends. You can travel as a couple or family and strengthen your relationships, you can solve and survive tricky situations, you can make new friends in a place you know no-one and you can have unforgettable experiences.

We are all about Designing your life by choice not by following someone else’s agendas! We share with you all our tips and tricks to Traveling the world on a very modest Budget that anyone can achieve and even enjoying a few Luxuries along the way. Who doesn’t love the finer things in life? You just have to look in the right places!!

We would love it if you would stay in touch with us through our email community as we will give you all the Information as well as the Inspiration to get you traveling more and more often!

We send our best tips and tricks, special offers and other goodies to our email buddies first! Just pop your name in the box bellow and we’ll respond to you straight away to confirm that it is really you who want to be our new friend. And then, let the adventures begin….

Final Words
Besides loving our life every day now, we also love our work. We love our online business as it allows us the freedom to do what we want. And we want to keep traveling, keep experiencing new and exotic destinations. We want to keep drinking cocktails by the beach at sunset and massages under the coconut trees. We want to immerse ourselves in new cultures and soak up the experiences of meeting new people. We want to taste the local cuisine of a place wither it be BBQ’d pigeon or snails by the roadside.

We want to keep having freedom, fun, adventure and discovery. This is the spice of life, it is what gives it more meaning and depth. We are always up for a challenge, believing that only your beliefs are limiting from achieving your goals.

WE want to share this with you through our blog
If we can do it, you can too. It doesn’t have to be only a dream!
Let’s make your dreams a reality today.

Keep in touch with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest or Snapchat!

Want to work with us? We offer many services like writing product reviews, guest posts, and interviews. We also welcome partnerships and sponsorships. Please see our work with us page for more information.
Let the Adventures Begin…
Dale & Livia
